Studio Enrollment Policies
Post-COVID-19 Requirements for Class/Behavior Expectations
- Face Masks are OPTIONAL AS OF 03/2022. HOWEVER, “Mask Required” classes WILL be in place if there are students needing extra precautions. Please be sure to schedule your student for a “Mask Optional” class time if this is an issue.
- If any signs of illness (runny nose, coughing, headache) PLEASE RESCHEDULE YOUR CLASS. We can ALWAYS reschedule a class; Always play it safe rather than being sorry later.
- Wear clothes appropriate for ART CLASS. There are no longer shared aprons in the studio.
- Students will continue to be asked to wash their hands upon arrival to class, before starting their lesson.
- Please be ON TIME to class and PICK UP your student(s) ON TIME due to limited studio space and our cleaning procedures between classes.
- Students may bring their own water/drink from home, we do not provide them.
- Students are expected to set up their own materials needed from their personal drawer, and the teachers will prepare any materials needed from the studio.
- Students are expected to be respectful to the teachers and peers in their class. Bad behavior will not be tolerated, and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately of any occurrences.
- Students will be responsible for any damages to studio materials, the studio space, or other students’ belongings.
What Tuition Covers/Material Fees
- Monthly tuition covers 4 lessons per month, for students that come 1x per week, and 8 lessons per month, for students that come 2x per week.
- IF it is a 5-week month of your student’s class time, that 5th class is a BONUS with no additional cost. However, if 1 class is missed in a 5-week month, there is NO make-up class needed until that student misses an additional class that month. (See Absences/Make-Up Class Policy for more)
- Upon enrollment, a materials fee will be due, depending on what materials/program your student will need. The only other time materials fees would be due is if your student runs out of something, or is moving onto another program.
- Any materials left at the art studio longer than 14 days of not being enrolled in class will automatically be donated to the studio.
Absences/Make-Up Class Policy
- Please notify Carly via text or call if your student cannot make it to their class, as soon as you can.
- Make-up classes are ONLY GIVEN if we are notified AT LEAST ONE HOUR prior to the scheduled class start time. Text, call, or let us know in-person if there are known future dates that will be missed.
- Make-up classes need to be scheduled and taken within 60 days of the original class, unless otherwise discussed with Carly.
- IF there is NO NOTICE that the student will be missing their class, THAT COUNTS AS A CLASS, no exceptions.
- In a 5-week month, there is no make-up class needed if your student misses 1 class; They will still have their 4 monthly classes.
- If a 2nd class is missed in a 5-week month, then a make-up class is needed, as long as we were notified prior of the absence.
How to Make Payment
- Tuition must be paid in the full amount, unless otherwise discussed with Carly.
- Pay BEFORE THE 1ST FOR EARLY TUITION DISCOUNT. After the 1st, tuition is the REGULAR rate.
- We accept Venmo, Credit/Debit Cards for in-person payment, Checks, or Cash.
- Venmo account is @vividcanvas. Please pay accurately, or you will be contacted.
- Checks can be made out to The Vivid Canvas or The Vivid Canvas Art Studio.
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